

UWO Investment FAQ

The following Q & A's are from UWO's forum posted by smartin4123 and was answered by darthfiend. This will just clarify some questions regarding the investing in towns. Hope this will help some players out there who are still confuse about investments.

Will investing in a city lower the cost I pay for goods in that city (trade goods or otherwise)? Does the city's allegiance matter?

if the port is owned by your nation you pay less on the tariffs for buying and selling in that port.
in addition, the top 5 investors there get additional tax breaks and can see items before others (through development)

Will investing in a city increase the amount of trade goods I can buy in that city? Does the city's allegiance matter?

The total % of influence your nation has in a port equates to you being able to purchase more items in that port.
For example i was buying hemp in amsterdam with a friend, we had the same fabric trading skill, but because england has 0% influence in amsterdam and the dutch have 100% he was able to buy 140 hemp compared to my 70.

Is there anywhere I can see how much development a city needs to reach the next level?

Anything you read on the developments will most likely be innacurate, i believe the development numbers were changed to compensate for a lower player base (compared to the Korean and Japanese servers). 
I have yet to read anything that was truely accurate on the dev levels.

Do investments that count to a city's development level need to come from the country it's allied with?

No, there are some ports however that only certain a single nation can invest in. to check you can simply hover your mouse over a port on the map (press "M").
If the port reads as an allied country, it can be taken. if it reads as a territory it can only be invested in by the nation it belongs too, and can never be flipped.

How does an allied city switch allegiance? Do any and all investments made in that city count towards it's allegiance or only in certain cases?

When you click the investment status at any city official you can see the %'s of influence, all invests count towards that influence.
You only need to change the influence by half a percent over then leading nation to claim it.

Is allegiance even the right term to refer to which country a city is allied with? 
I prefer the word control, as in "who controls hamburg right now?" it seems to be the standard word in game when your talking about which flag a port has.

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