

Sentai: Bioman, Maskman, Kamen Rider, where are they now?

Are you curious to what happened to your favorite Sentai now? My friends and I were talking on some anime stuff until we got to the topic of Shaider. What happen to Annie now? Did she continue her acting career? Where is Robert Akizuki that has the most dazzling smile of all sentai? Where is the first sentai that I have watched which is the Bioman? Where is the Maskman Sentai too?

As we all know Tsuburaya Hiroshi aka Shaider have died of Liver Cancer last 2001. Albeit he died, his memory remains in the heart of his fans around the world. The character he portrays will remain and to all the things that he contributed in the art of acting.

Now let us see what happened to our lovable Morinaga Naomi or also known as Annie of Shaider. 

After filming Uchu Keiji Shaider and some movie projects, Annie’s career went down. Eventually, she went into adult entertainment and appeared in a number of low budget porn projects. In addition, Naomi Morinaga posed nude in most of men’s magazine in Japan.

Here is some of her magazine appearance:
Sept. 30, 1988 – “Naomi”
May 10, 1999 – “Naomi Morinaga”
May 20, 1999 – Shukan Gem (weekly Gem) – Tokusatsu Heroine Nude Special
May 22, 1999 – Shukan Dendai (Today Weely)
July 15, 1999 – Penthouse (Japan)
August 10, 2001 – “N.M.D.C.”

Soft Core Promotional Videos:
How to “Hair Nude”

There was some news that she got married on 1998 and had one child and after that she retired.

Okay, we are done with Shaider and Annie now how about Tetsuo Kurata also known as Kamen Raider Black? Well, as you can see his as good as ever, except for the wrinkles. XD Anyways, Kotaro is happy with his life now and because Tetsou love’s beef, he now owns a steakhouse called Billy the Kid in Koto, Tokyo. He also appeared in the movie/series of Kamen Rider Decade in 2009. From time to time, he also acts on some TV dramas and stage plays.

This is Tetsou when he was young

and this is Tetsou now

Now let us continue to another sentai group that we have missed too, its Chodenshi Bioman! In this group of Five, I only have a little information about them. Like Sakamoto Ryousuke aka Red 1 is now active on stage plays after the Chodenshi series has ended. He sometimes updated his site and you can visit it here.
Red Soldier

This is Pink 1 and Red 1:

Some message of Mr. Sakamoto on his website:

Mr. Osuga (Blue3) leaves the entertainment world and he is doing bonesetter management now. He attended the hero event with me in 2003. He looked fine.Ms. Tanaka (Second Yellow4) also left the entertainment world and she has got married. She attended the hero event with me in 2004. She is even now very beautiful.The detailed thing is not known about the present of Mr. Ota (Green2), Ms. Makino (Pink5), and Ms.Yuki Yajima. It is regrettable.

I found a rare video of Michiko Makino aka Pink 5 where she sings, “Take a Chance”.

And other Sentai...

Seelon of Turbo Ranger (old)
Seelon (new)

Red Turbo

Blue Turbo

Yellow Turbo


Redmask with his wife and son

More to come. XD