

UWO Class: Trade Type

The following are the type of jobs if you want to be a Merchant in Uncharted W. Online. You can choose a lot of job in this class.

1. Trade learner
-Trade Learners get basic training needed for any merchant, accountant, or other trading professions. They move from city to city with their trading goods, making a profit out of the margin.

2. Food dealer
Foods dealers are specialized in handling foodstuffs. They are also skilled in producing, processing, and cooking the goods. An appropriate job for the true gourmet.

3. Yarn dealer
Yarns dealers handle fibers. They can produce various wardrobes using their trade goods, and most importantly sails for ships. They are professionals in making beautiful dresses and attention seeking outfits.

4. Accountant
Accountants handle alcohol, luxury goods, precious metals, and other trade goods that are prone to market price fluctuation. They are also skilled tailors who can make produce apparel and sails for ships.

5. Chandler
Chandler handle weapons and firearms. They can also produce cannons.

6. Mineral trader
Mineral tradingrs are professionals in trading minerals and wares and also well known for producing cannons. With Cannons being a crucial part of warfare, soldiers keep close ties with Mineral tradingrs.

7. Medicine trader
A Medicine Tradingr trades anything medical from medicine to professional equipment. Well informed in First Aid, pathology, and other medical topics they can also produce figurines and other goods needed for sailing the seas.

8. Animal trader
Livestock Tradingrs are dedicated to Provisionsing cattle and other food related trading goods. They can also cook various cuisines using their goods.

Im a trade learner on my first play but when I read some of the player's post in the forum regarding the job they want and what class are the best then I change my job into a Food dealer. Then after that, I look the types of jobs that the Merchant have in the main site of uncharted-w online and saw that after the beginners job there's also a intermediate and a Master jobs. So, I look in the master job and saw that there is a type of job for a Alchemist. Because Im a fan of anime and thought of choosing alchemist as my master job just like "Full Metal Alchemist", I change my job immediately and become a Medicine trader. But, I met someone when I was on the Ancona region and he invite me to his party, he said that I should change my job type if I wanted to have lots of money. I ask him what's the job and he said that i should become a Yarn dealer. The money as a yarn dealer is just easy. You just have to sell feathers that came from the chicken. Also, the price of the chicken in the stock market are so cheap that's why you'll have a good profits on it. The bad news is, T__T, I can't change my job type coz I don't have any change job permit. Waaaah, if only I knew from the start to what job Im going to get. So, that's why when the obt come I'll assure myself that I won't just use the permit for changing job type that quickly.

So if anyone of you here decided to play this game, please make sure you choose the job that you really wanted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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